Monday, February 1, 2010

WWE Championship – Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Both men stare each other down at the outset of the match. Sheamus pumps himself up, to the crowds disproval, this crowd is solidly behind Orton. Orton locks in a headlock, but Sheamus is quick to fight out, but Orton connects with a beautiful dropkick. Orton and Sheamus stare each other down again. Another lock up and Sheamus backs Orton into the ropes, but Orton turns it around. Sheamus shoves Orton, but Orton comes back with a European uppercut, it’s not enough though as Sheamus comes back and works on Orton’s arm.
Orton goes to the outside and Sheamus follows, slamming Orton into the barricade and slamming Orton’s arm into the ring steps. Sheamus sends Orton back into the ring, and continues to work over Orton’s arm, wrenching away. Sheamus picks Orton up into powerslam position, but Orton works out of it and goes for a chop block. Orton immediately goes to work on Sheamus’ knee, stomping away at the leg.
Orton wrenches away at Sheamus’ leg and ankle, making Sheamus squirm. Sheamus tries to kick him off, but Randy just wrenches harder. Sheamus kicks again and this time it’s enough to stop Orton. Sheamus sends Orton shoulder first into the ring post, and then does it again.
Sheamus buries his shoulder in Orton’s midsection twice, but when he goes for a third, Orton gets his knee up. Orton kicks Sheamus in the knee, and goes right back to work, stomping at Sheamus’ wrist. Orton drags Sheamus’ legs to the apron, and slams them down, and then into the ring post. Orton clubs at Sheamus’ chest and Sheamus falls to the floor.
Orton brings Sheamus back into the ring, and he kicks at Sheamus’ midsection. Sheamus fights back though, and hits a single arm DDT out of nowhere that’s good for a near fall. Sheamus locks in an arm bar and digs his knee into Orton’s ear.
Orton fights out of the submission, getting to his feet and punching Sheamus’ kidney, but Sheamus switches it up, locking Orton’s wrist behind his head. Orton fights out, and he and Sheamus trade punches, with Orton getting yays, and Sheamus getting boos. Sheamus hits a uranage backbreaker on Orton, but it’s not enough for a three count.
Sheamus picks Orton up and he goes for his finisher, but Orton fights out, kicks Sheamus in the knee and sends him to the outside. Sheamus makes it to the apron at 7, but Orton quickly goes for, and hits his rope assisted DDT. Orton goes for the pin but Sheamus is able to grab the rope and force the ref to stop the count. Orton gets in position for the punt, but Sheamus rolls to the outside to prevent it. Orton gives chase, and he clubs Sheamus with a big European uppercut, but Sheamus sends him into the ring post twice. Sheamus rolls Orton back into the ring, but Cody Rhodes jumps the security rail out of nowhere and he hits Sheamus. Orton connects with the RKO and he goes for the pin, but the ref calls for the bell on account of DQ.
Winner by DQ: Sheamus

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