Monday, March 29, 2010


The events leading to Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels are shown.
Streak vs. Career
No Disqualification or Count Out
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels is out to the ring first, and he looks pumped up, and extremely excited for someone who could be entering the ring for his last match... well, for the foreseeable future I guess.

The gong sounds, and the crowd goes wild. There's fire for the entrance, but so far it's away from the entranceway, thankfully. Taker is lifted up on a platform from the entrance ramp, with lighting from underneath. It's especially demonic. Taker walks to the ring to a load of cheers, and the fire hits when he's a good distance away.

Michaels does not look intimidated as Taker gets into the ring and disrobes. Taker and Micheals stare each other down.

Michaels drags his thumb across his throat and infuriates Taker. Taker charges Michaels, but Michaels dodges and catches Taker with a couple of chops. Taker comes right back, hanging Michaels up on the top turnbuckle, and splashing Micheals in the corner. Taker goes for old school, but Micheals fights it off. Taker goes up again and he's able to walk to ropes and connect this time. Taker goes right for the chokeslam, but Micheals fights out of it and kicks at Taker's knee. Taker fights back with a big right hand. Taker slams Michaels head into the turnbuckle, and he tries for a tombstone, but Michaels fights out and goes to work on Taker's arm.

Taker tries for a short arm clothesline, but Michaels ducks it, and counters with a not quite solid SCM. Taker is a bit startled. Michaels goes right back to work on Taker's knee, stomping away at it in the corner. Michaels hands Taker's leg up on the ropes and just goes to work. Taker fights him off and gets back to his feet, pounding on him in the corner, but HBK kicks right back at Taker's knee. Taker sends Michaels to the outside with a clothesline over the top ropes, and he teases a dive, but Michaels sees it coming and he comes back in with a shoulder to the knee.

Michaels tries for the figure four, but Taker fights it off and sends Michaels to the outside. Taker hits the crazy leg drop on the apron. Back in the ring, Michaels is right back up and he goes for the figure four, locking it in.

Michaels is wearing down the Undertaker, forcing him to put his shoulders to the mat every now and then. Taker reverses the pressure, rolling himself and HBK over and forcing Michaels to break the hold. Both men are back on their feet and they're trading chops and punches. Michaels kicks at Taker's knee, and goes to work with chops, but Taker responds with big right hands. Michaels ducks one and hits some more chops. Michaels hits a flying forearm to Taker, and he kips up, but he walks right into a chokeslam. Taker pins Michaels, but HBK kicks out at two.

Taker tries for a tombstone, but Michaels slithers out of it and locks in the ankle lock. Taker crawls toward the rope, but Michaels pulls him back into the ring and grapevines the leg to add more pressure. Taker again is worn down to where he's forced to put his shoulders on the mat and force a pinning predicament. Taker is able to use his free foot to kick at Michaels and break the hold.

Michaels clotheslines Taker over the top rope, and he hangs on, on the apron. Michaels hits an asai moonsault, but Taker catches him, and reverses it into a tombstone piledriver on the outside. A medic is down to check on Michaels, but Taker throws him away and tosses Michaels back in the ring for the pin. Michaels kicks out at two!

Taker kicks at Michaels and he goes for the Last Ride, kind of connecting, but Michaels gets the pin. Taker kicks out at two. Michaels climbs to the top rope, and he goes for his signature elbow drop, but Taker gets his knees up to block it.

Taker locks in Hell's gate out of nowhere, but Michaels counters into a pinning predicament, forcing Taker to break the hold. Taker hits Michaels with a big right, but Michaels responds with sweet chin music. Michaels goes for the pin, but Taker kicks out at two.

Michaels tunes up the band again in the corner, but another attempt is blocked by Taker, but buries his boot in Michaels stomach and connects with a proper Last Ride. Taker goes for the cover but Michaels kicks out!

Taker is back to his feet and he immediately tosses Michaels out to the floor. Taker begins taking apart the announce table, pulling out the monitors. Taker is pounding on his knee, trying to knock feeling back in. Taker sets Michaels up for the Last Ride, but Michaels gets out of it and hits SCM, sending Taker on top of the announce table. Michaels goes up to the top turnbuckle, and he launches himself off, with a big moonsault, crashing through Undertaker and the table!

Michaels crawls over toward Taker, and he rolls him back toward and into the ring. Both men get back up to their feet, and Michaels connects with sweet chin music. Michaels goes for the pin, but Taker kicks out at two!

Michaels goes for SCM again, but it's blocked and Taker hits a chokeslam instead. Taker picks Michaels up, and connects with a big tombstone. Taker pins Michaels, but Michaels kicks out at two!

Taker pulls down the straps, and he almost jerks his thumbs across his throat, but he decides against it. Michaels climbs up, and Taker tells him to stay down. Michaels crawl up, using Taker to support himself. Michaels drags his thumb across his own throat, and slaps Taker across the face. Taker gets angry, and immediately connects with a tombstone. Taker pins Michaels, and that's all she wrote.
Winner and 18-0, streak intact: The Undertaker 

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